Florence Italy

Duomo Museum

When you visit Florence, Italy, it is hard to take in all of the Florence museums. Duomo Museum, also known as Museo dell'Opera del Duomo has impressive works of art you don't want to miss. The museum was originally a Cathedral workshop founded in 1296 to oversee construction of the Florence Cathedral and the Giotto Bell Tower. It later became a place to conserve monuments and house precious works of art moved from the Cathedral, bell tower and the Baptistery.

Michelangelo's later Pieta is housed there. Two choir lofts that once were in the Duomo Chapel and sculpted by Donatello and Luca della Robbia are in the main room on the second floor. Some of the works by masters like Pisano and Ghiberti are housed in this Florence museum, as well. Duomo museum is close to Cathedral Square in the center of Florence

Many original masterpieces have been moved to Duomo museum for safe keeping from the elements. They were relocated from many of the architectural cathedrals and monuments you will see throughout the streets of Florence, and replaced by copies in those locations.

Original classic sculptures and reliefs can be viewed up close, it's a humbling experience. It has Brunelleschi's architectural models for the Florence Cathedral dome, the big red dome you can see easily from almost anywhere in town. If you take your camera on the way up the stairs to the top of the Giotto bell tower, you can get a photo of the original cathedral dome, located close to the Duomo museum

Duomo Museum-Michelangelos Late Pieta

The Opera del Duomo or Duomo museum is one of the best Florence museums, and there are hardly any lines to get in, and plenty of room to walk around and look at everything. They are open Monday through Saturday from 9 in the morning until 7:30 at night, and Sundays from 9 in the morning until 1:45 in the afternoon.

One of the greatest Florence museums is easy to fit into a sightseeing tour of Cathedral square and it is only 6.00 Euros and worth the visit, they let you take all the photos you want.

You can see the Original Baptistery door panels in the courtyard, scenes of David and Goliath, and colorful mosaics that are painstakingly made. It definitely contains some of the finest works of art by classic masters. We were awestruck everywhere we looked.

Florence Italy is filled with museums since many of the classic artists such as Michelangelo, Vasari, Donatello and others, filled the entire town with their creative design, architecture, sculptures and monuments. Michelangelo's tomb is in Florence. There are enough things to see in town to keep you busy for more than a week.

When you plan your trip to Florence, make sure the Duomo museum is on the top of your list.

Duomo Museum-Baptistery Doors

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Duomo Museum-Brunelleschi

Duomo Museum Information:

Address- Piazza del Duomo 9 (Directly behind the dome end of the cathedral).

Visiting Hours-Mon-Sat 9am-7:30pm; Sun 9am-2pm; last admission 30 min. before close

Bus- 6, 11, 14, 17, or 23

***Just a side note about attire for women in all Basilicas and Cathedrals. You will not be allowed to enter if you have bare shoulders or wearing shorts! Bring a shawl or long sleeve shirt with you.***

Duomo Museum-Brunelleschi

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